This website documents the unfolding of the 60 billion-issue in chronological order in a comprehensive manner, as they occur, from the day it all started up until now, with links to source material. Because the events are not finalized, please keep checking this website for updates.
- In the 2nd half of July 2014, Ganbaatar A.,
CEO of Shine Mongol Khaad Group LLC, Board member of the Capital city Mongolian Peoples' Party (MPP) and Ganbaatar A., Member of the MPP Conference (Baga Khural) made a verbal
contract to appoint Dorjzodov G. as Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) of this company. Then Ganbaatar A. introduced Dorjzodov G. to Sandui Ts., Chairman of the Capital city MPP.
- On August 1, 2014, the order was issued by the Shine
Mongol Khaad Group LLC Board of directors meeting with 100% vote for CEO
Ganbaatar A., to sign a contract before the 1st of September
with Dorjzodov G. to officially appoint him as CSO. But before taking over the role, until the first days of
September, he was assigned to assist in developing the Capital city MPP’s
structure, organization, strategy, operation plan, functions for 2014-2016
as well as the State Great Khural elections MPP Headquarters’ structure,
organization, strategy, operation plan, functions, elections funding
scheme; and to assist in preparing a presentation to summarize the latter.
- On the 8th of September 2014, the 90 minutes
meeting with ENkhbold M., Ganbaatar A., Sandui Ts., Dorjzodov G. took
place. Sandui Ts., Ganbaatar A., Ulzii M. (who was introduced as Sandui’s
nephew) eliminated all evidence. Ganbaatar locked all of Dorjzodov’s
education documents in hock in his safe. Eventually Ganbaatar breached his
verbal contract with Dorjzodov made in July and paid 50’000 (fifty thousand) MNT for 40 days of work. Sandui had
given 100’000MNT to Ganbaatar to give to Dorjzodov for food and
transportation expenses from which Ganbaatar took 50’000 MNT to himself. To listen 90 minute recording - click HERE, to see powerpoint - click HERE, to see excel calculator for illegal financing for MPP - click HERE.
- On the 17th of June, at 22:00, Dorjzodov to
3 excerpts from the 90 minutes recording to posted publicly on to warn the public. Within two
days, over 600 users had
listened to, downloaded and shared the public recording.
- On the 19th of June, 2016, Sandui and
Ganbaatar started demanding Dorjzodov to take down the recording from, Sandui and Ganbaatar paid Dorjzodov the compensation
that were supposed to pay in 2014 and took the password to delete the
recording from,. Google drive and twitter
- On the 22nd of June 2016, the National
Institute of Forensic Science issued a conclusion #4113 confirming that “..the voice on the recording truly is
Sandui’s voice..” upon the assignment given on the 20th of June
2016, by the 1st Department of the Sukhbaatar District Police.
- On the 24th of June 2016, Erdenejamyan E., General secretary of The Mongolian Peoples' Revolutionary Party (MPRP), held
a press conference and broadcasted the downloaded recording from On the same
day, Sandui gave a hasty statement outside the MPP headquarters in which
he admitted “..There was a meeting to develop the strategy and tactic of
the MPP. The recording of that meeting has been released..”
- On the 25th of June, 2015, Amarbayasgalan
D., General Secretay of The MPP, held a press conference at the MPP headquarters, where he flatly denied
the statement made by Sandui the previous day. The Democratic Party (DP) held a press
conference at the Government house to notify its intention to appeal to
the State General Attorney office, the Independent Authority Against
Corruption (IAAC) and the General Police Office.
- On the 26th of June, 2016, Enkhbayar N., MPRP Chair, held a
press conference.
- On the 27th of June, 2016, the DP held a
press conference where Battulga D. presented the conclusion #4225 from the National Institute of Forensic Science (NIFS) confirming that the recording “.. is
not fabricated ..”. According the dates in the files, the conclusion #4225
was dated the 30th of June, 2016!
- On the 27th of June, 2016, Enkhbold M. MPP Chair., held
a press conference to present a NIFS conclusion #4374 stating the
recording “.. is fabricated..”. According to the dates on file, this
conclusion was issued under assignment by the IAAC not before the 27th of June 2016, but in the
18th of July, 2016!!!
- On the 27th of June, 2016, during the
nationwide broadcasted State Great Khural election debate the recording was
mentioned several time.
- On the 28th of June, 2016, Sandui Ts.,
Ganbaatar A. and Ulzii M., conspired and submitter a fraudulent report to
the IAAC. Press HERE to view the complete file.
- On the 6th of July, 2016, Sandui Ts. said in
his speech at the first conference of the Capital city Citizens’
Representatives Meeting’: “..I am ready to carry the responsibility if the recording were true. But it is being established that the recording is a fabrication..”. During this conference, Sandui Ts. was elected Chair of the
Capital city Citizens’ Representatives Meeting.
- On the 17th of July, 2017, the IAAC gave
their proposal to not initiate criminal proceeding to the Capital city
Attorney office (CAO).
- On the 18th of July, 2017, the NIFS issued a
conclusion #4374 that the recording “ fabricated.." /The IAAC issued its proposal to not initiate
the criminal proceedings to the CAO before this conclusion was issued.
Please see the filing date./
- On the 2nd of August, 2016, the CAO issued
resolution Nr. 208 to deny initiation of criminal proceeding for the
IAAC’s case number 204. Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5
- On the 26th of August, 2016, the Police
Department Nr.1, Sukhbaatar District Police initiated criminal case 201625022125.
- On the 12th of September, 2016, the General
Police Department (GPD) gave a statement “Suspect that may have fabricated the
60 minutes recording found”. /GPD broadcasted this information before
detaining Dorjzodov/
- On the 14th of September, 2016, Dorjzodov G.
was arrested by the 1st Department of The Sukhbaatar District Police, from outside
his home. Ganbaatar A. seriously affected the SBD PD-1’s criminal case and
totally altered his report submitted in June, July at IAAC.
- In the months of September and October, 2016, Ganbaatar
G. started repeatedly threatening Dorjzodov’s life, saying “If our
CHAIRMAN allows, WE have no problem eliminating you”. They also let out
“We need a lot of money to have the case discarded at the attorney” in
their conversation.
- On the 28th of September, 2016, the
proposition to discard SBD PD-1 case 201625022125 was composed and
the proposal was handed to the Sukhbaatar district attorney.
- On the 13th of October, 2016, the Sukhbaatar
district attorney issued resolution 1896 to discard the case. Page 1,
Page 2
- On the 27th of October, 2016, at the State
Great Khural meeting, Member Bold L., DP, said “reveal your 60 billion issue to the public, prove it.”
- On the 14th of March, 2017, Erdenejamyan E.,
held a press conference and for the first time presented a copy of the Capital
city attorney office’s resolution Nr. 208 dated the 2nd of
August, 2016 to the public. On the same day, Dorjzodov G. reviewed a copy
of this resolution taken from Erdenejamyan E.
- On the 15th of March, 2017, Dorjzodov G.sent
a message saying “If anything happens to me or my family, I will publicly
release the full 90 minutes recording, the 160 slide powerpoint, excel file
and picture to regain my honor” to Sandui’s mobile and viber. He sent the
90 minutes recording, photos and relevant files used during the 90 minutes
meeting to Sandui Ts. There was no reply.
- In the 2nd half of March 2017, unknown
authority people started searching for Dorjzodov, showing his photos to
his apartment block residents. They left their contact numbers asking the
residents to contact them if they see him. They came patrolling the building
entrance every morning. Two unknown people got into his home talking about
plumbing issues and just went out after roaming inside while Dorjzodov was
not at home. An officer from the Apartment Owners’ Alliance knocked on
their door asking “-Who lives here, is this Ganbaatar’s apartment?” /Apartment
Owners’ Alliance officers don’t ask for information that is already
available at their work place/. Such abnormal events have been happening.
- On the 5th of April, 2017,
Ganbaatar A. stalked outside Dorjzodov’s home, caught him and repeatedly
threatened him saying “If you don’t
obey us, we can turn you into another Zorig S. case.” He demanded to
come see him the next day. Also, Ganbaatar A. has researched all of
Dorjzodov’s private information (Dorjzodov’s home address, car license
plate number, pictures of his wife, children, parents, their home
addresses, where they go, who Dorjzodov meet on a daily basis and Ganbaatar
proudly said that he also stalked outside his parents’ home in Darkhan.) Image 1, Image 2, Image 3
- On the 6th of April. 2017, Ganbaatar A.,
while meeting with Dorjzodov G. in his own office, used force and with
help from his security officers, robbed his SanDisk Sansa Clip Plus mp3 player.
- On the 10th of April, 2017, Dorjzodov G.
sent his wife and children far away from Ulaanbaatar for their safety.
- On the 12th of April, 2017, MPP General
Secretary Amarbayasgalan D., gave an interview
saying “The 60 billion issue was a poor script for the election period”.
- On the 14th of April, 2017, seven special agents from
the General Intelligence Agency arrested Dorjzodov at Café Bene and took
him to the General Intelligence Agency. They initiated a false case Nr. “Г-40” based on the false report from Ganbaatar A. In his
letter, Ganbaatar A. had written false information, that: “On the 5th
of April, 2017, I ran into Dorjzodov G. while walking through “Khoroolol”.
The next day, Dorjzodov G. came to our office where talked and consulted
about life..” To download a video from the arrest, click HERE. /there are
4 files and each of them are 1,5GB/. The arrest took place at 11:17.
- On the 17th of April, 2017, two inspectors
presented the conclusion that confirms that the SanDisk Sansa Clip Plus mp3 that was robbed from Dorjzodov by Ganbaatar, is a “..special intelligence technical
equipment used for executive work..”. Later, the inspector said that this
mp3 player is being listed as a special intelligence technical tool for executive work
because of the given case”. According to the Law on Executive work, this
list must be monitored by the State General Attorney Office. Dorjzodov has witnessed that a regular citizen’s mobile phone, smart phone, fm radio
players can be accounted as a spying tool by the General Intelligence
- On the 20th of April, 2017, Dorjzodov issued
a counter complaint to the General Intelligence Agency to inspect
Ganbaatar. The GIA attached this request to the “Г-40” case file (no action was taken until now, no response
- On the 20th of April, 2017, Dorjzodov
appealed to the Capital City Attorney Office to take his family under
protection. The Capital City Attorney Office returned a letter informing
that the request was transferred to the GIA. (no action taken until today)
- On the 6th of May 2017, Enkhbold, Sandui,
Ganbaatar’s 90 minute recording of the meeting, ppts, excel files were
posted open to the public. They were sent to foreign Mongolists as well. Image
- On the 7th of May, 2017, of facebook page “Noise
(Eldev shuum)” posted a header video named “terrible 350 million corruption case revealed” to ruin Dorjzodov’s
reputation as a fabricator.
- On the 26th of May, 2017, Dorjzodov was
inspected at the National Mental Health Center to establish whether he is
mentally healthy and able to be carry liability (Room 217. Doctor Gankhuu
started the medical inspection interview after 10 minutes of talk with the
GIA inspector. During the medical interview, the doctor uttered the word
“secret recording” first. The medical interview was like a police
interrogation. It was followed by a meeting with a committee consisting of
5 people. The outcome if the interview was never revealed!)
- On the 31st of May, 2017, the DP group from
the State Great Khural, organized an open discussion on the 60 billion issue.
- On the 1st of June, 2017 from
22:56 – 22:46, Dorjzodov was called by a coworker from 5 years ago to a
meeting at Namuun hotel, room 507, behind the Russian Gymnasium school. He
was told who sent him and what was offered (he was told to choose the
country, choose the university and that they would also offer a two room
apartment.) In return, he was asked Dorjzodov to just leave this issue and disappear
for 4 years. (this was a public holiday and no-alcohol day)
- On the 2nd of June, 2017, around 10:40, they
called from GIA and told him to come at 13:00. But then they postponed
their meeting to 15:00 and 17:00. The inspector met him at 17:15 and
suddenly returned all the items confiscated on the 14th of
April that included a laptop, ipad, iphone, nokia phones, all bank cards,
car and home keys, watch, bus card, flash disk etc. But they did not sign
the submittal. They didn’t return the two Daily news newspapers issue
where the 60 billion issue was published. During the meeting, the
inspector tried to meet Dorjzodov separately from his attorney twice.
- On the 2nd of June, 2017, Khan-Uul district
Civil Case Primary Court resolution /court decision with complaint to
assign respondent Erdenejamyan E., General Secretary of the MPRP, to
establish that Ganbaatar A.’s honour and reputation have been violated and
to broadly disclaim/ page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6
- On the 3rd and 4th of June, 2017,
the person who met Dorjzodov at Namuun hotel on the 1st of June
sent messages in Russian asking to meet urgently.
- On the 5th of June, 2017, the State Great
Khural Democratic Party group submitted an official request letter to the Presidential office, State General Attorney
Office, General Police Department and the General Intelligence Agency
asking to inspect the 90 minutes recording.
- On the 6th of June, 2017, around 22:00, the
MPP asked for an urgent meeting with Dorjzodov via a former coworker from
a year ago. On the same day, State Great Khural Member Nyambaatar Kh.,
held a press conference to give the following statement: “..It has been established after legislative authority inspection that the 60 billion MNT issue is a fabrication and calumny. We will continue our investigation.”
- On the 7th of June, 2017, the Mongolian
Democratic Union submitted an open letter
to the Embassy of Germany in Ulaanbaatar.
- On the 9th of June, 2017, Dorjzodov with his brother Munkh-Orgil were followed by a Hyundai SantaFe car with license plate number 1802UBM from
his home to “100 ail“ State General Registration Office. Later that
evening, from 20:15-22:23, Cabinet Secretariat Chair Munkhbat J., has
Dorjzodov called to a specially prepared VIP sauna at Encanto town Sport
center, via a prominent businessman. Just before this meeting, at 18:15,
Ganbaatar A. broadcasted a no-graphic video 1
to slander Dorjzodov.
- On the 10th of June, 2017, Mongolian citizen
Batmunkh Ts., publicly announced that he was doing a hunger strike in
front of the White House, Washington DC, USA.
- On the 12th of June, 2016, the Daily news published
on its Monday issue number 131 (5698) an article titled: “Who is Dorjzodov, the one who made the recording about the 60 billion MNT”. Also, that evening, the
no-graphic video 2
of Ganbaatar A. slandering Dorjzodov G. was broadcasted.
- On the 13th of June, 2017, the Daily news published an article with the title “Was Dorjzodov G., who made the recording about the #60 billion issue threatened?” in its Tuesday issue number 132 (5699).
- June 15, 2017. Around 01:00, a double encirclement by the police, led by Lieutenant colonel Amarsanaa J., Capital city security department Chair lieutenant, colonel and Major Enkhbat B., formed around the residential block where Dorjzodov G. was located
- Around 03:20 I finished an interview with the Daily News and emailed it.
- Between 06:20-07:00, I found out about the police encirclement and posted about it online. Police encirclement Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Video 1, Video 2, Information posted by Dorjzodov online.
- Around 09:00, I demanded Lieutenant Colonel Amarsanaa J., Capital city security department chair Lieutenant Colonel and Major Enkhbat B. to explain the reason why I was encircled and they had no official letter to show. But they gave a false explanation that the action was “based” on Dorjzodov’s father’s request posted on Facebook.
- Around 09:40, I gave information to the C1 Television live broadcast.
- Around 10:00, after the journalists were let through the residential block gate, the police encirclement was removed leaving behind three undercover armed police officers.
- Around 10:00, after the police encirclement was gone, the journalists were let into the residential block area. Dorjzodov G., made a statement via press giving detailed information about what happened. Image 1, Image 2
- Around 11:00-12:00 Batbaatar P., Vice Chairman of the General Police Department hurriedly held a press conference broadcasting slandering, false information. Also the fact that they stated that “Dorjzodov G. stayed two days at attorney Baasan G.’s home and two days at former Member of Parliament Oyungerel Ts.’s home” makes it questionable whether the General Police Department intended to take Dorjzodov under protection or they have seriously breached the Executive law by stalking.
- At 13:06, the MPP General Secretary Amarbayasgalan D. held a press conference, broadcasting false, slandering information to the public. They stated that the MPP’s Administrative council had requested the General Police Department on the 14th of June, 2017 to take Dorjzodov G. under protection. They informed that the request was based on the assumption that “If some judo wrestler hits Dorjzodov G. and kills him then Enkhbold M.’s reputation will be affected”.
- At 16:42, General police department head’s order number A/115 was handed to attorney Baasan G.
- At 20:02, Cabinet Chair Munkhbat J. did a live session on his own Facebook page and broadcasted false, slandering information to the public. The content of the talk proved that there was actually a meeting that took place at Encanto town VIP Sauna on the 9th of June, 2017.
- June 16, 2017, an article was published in the Daily News Friday issue №135 (5702) with the title “Dorjzodov G.: I decided it was my responsibility as a citizen to let the public have access to the 60 billion video”. To read: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. On the same day, Prosecutor and Legal Advisor Shirendev D., from Department nr.1 in charge of Investigation supervision, Capital city attorney office gave false information to the public. See images of the interview.
- June 19, 2017. “The Diplomat” published “Ahead of presidential election; Mongolia Corruption scandal has a new twist”. The criminal case filed by the General Intelligence Agency on April 14, 2017 to the Capital city prosecutor’s office based on provision 133.1 of the Criminal law was returned to the General Intelligence Agency and delayed until July 14, 2017.
- June 20, 2017, “Allegations Against All Candidates” was published. Information was gathered from over 200 people at the Independent Agency against Corruption and based on which a 337 pages document was delivered to the Capital city Prosecutor’s office for inspection.
- June 21, 2017. Around 11:00, Attorney Baasan G. held a press conference to rebuke the false information spread by Munkhbat G., Shirendev D., Amarbayasgalan D., Batbaatar P., Enkhbat B. with supporting documents.
- That evening the “arrogance of 60 billion” video was broadcasted on television.
- June 22, 2017. Ocean Gray Production Sound master Ariunbold A. explained how sound and voice recordings can be edited and stated that the “60 billion video” was put together in the US. WATCH the video.
- June 23, 2017. “Thunderbolt cutter or the 60 billion affair” program was broadcasted on television. WATCH the program.
- June 23, 2017. During a meeting with citizens at Mandal soum, Selenge aimag, Prime minister Erdenebat J. said: “I am so surprised. This feels like a fairy tale movie or soap opera. They keep bringing up these weird things during every election. They try to sell it to the Mongolian people. They try to make them understand that it happened. Nowadays the people don’t believe in such fake things. How many times are they trying to use this video? They brought it up during the parliament and regional elections. Now they are using it for the presidential elections. The MPP is not a party that lets some bandit develop their strategy. They don’t believe in such fake products anymore.” WATCH video.
- June 24, 2017. During the presidential election debate, Enkhbold M. in his official statement about the 60 billion video stated that it was fabricated.
- June 25, 2017. Ice top band’s “60 billion” song was released.
- June 26, 2017. At 10:05, an official letter from the General police department, “ГХХХ” about issuing protection.
- June 27, 2017. At 16:40, Enkhbold M. made a statement saying that the 60 billion video was a fabrication. WATCH statement.
- June 28, 2017. Justice – reform wing statement, “Century news” newspaper “MPP: From win to loss – a whole year’s depiction” article was published.
- June 29, 2017. Attorney Baasan G., delivered the 90 minutes recording to the State General Prosecutor’s office and the General Intelligence Agency. SEE the request delivered to the State General Prosecutor’s office. SEE the request delivered to the General Intelligence Agency. Because the Mongolian Prime Minister Erdenebat J. defamed me with his statement made during his meeting with citizens on June 23, 2017, I personally handed him a request, demanding him to apologize to me. SEE the request. The article “Order and bargain-2” by Baatarkhuyag A. was published.
- July 1, 2017. 10:59 Mongolian President Elbegdorj Ts. tweeted “60 billion: This is what I said. Haven’t some people seen this? Or are they pretending not to know? There is no louder way to say it. The law is this way.” SEE tweet. He also attached to this tweet his facebook post from June 6, 2017 that said “I have no doubt that the legislative organizations will abide by the law, stay unaffected by external factors and work in a just manner. I have said this before and will say this again: “He who breached the law should not be exempt from penalty and no one should be repressed when they haven’t breached the law.” SEE post. On the same day that he posted that on Facebook, he had prepared a trap to meet me at 22:00, about which I had told the press with the relevant names.
- July 3, 2017. A video was broadcasted via twitter where the MPP presidential candidate Enkhbold M. and his presidential campaign managers are shown preparing for the debate using the questions acquired by breaking the rule, according to which the questions were supposed to be randomly selected during the actual debate. WATCH video.
- July 4, 2017. “Legal Audio Video” forensic analysis department of American firm AudioPaint Ltd., New York, sent the analysis results of the 90 minutes 60 billion recording made on September 8, 2014. SEE analysis results in English, SEE analysis results in Mongolian. Brief information about analyst: Frank Piazza, Founder and President at AudioPaint Ltd., provides the following services to many organizations such as New York state South and East district attorney office, the FBI, Organization against drugs, Legal Aid Society Manhattan office: audio video analysis, evaluation, confirmation of audio and video, making of audio and video extensions. Frank Piazza is a professional analyst qualified to do audio, video analysis for the US government and to participate in State and Federal trial proceedings. CNN program about Frank Piazza WATCH
- July 4, 2017. Oyungerel Ts. held a press conference at 15:00 to present the analysis results received from AudioPaint Ltd. WATCH C1 television “Focus news” program about the press conference.
- July 4, 2017. At 22:00 after election campaigns had officially been closed, Enkhbold M. stated that the 60 billion recording was a fabrication. WATCH statement
- July 10, 2017. 09:00-12:00 the State Great Khural special session took place to confirm the election results from the General Election Committee. At 12:30, the Mongolian President took the oath and addressed the people of Mongolia. WATCH video. SEE speech text